BATA select FuelStar EPOD solution from Touchstar Technologies

23 May 2022
BATA select FuelStar EPOD solution from
Touchstar Technologies
Established in 1894, BATA was created as a farmer’s
cooperative and retains this structure today. Dedicated to supplying local
farmers and those who live in the rural community, BATA specialises in offering
quality products and services that support the livelihood and lifestyle of
thousands of people who live and work in rural Yorkshire.
BATA is a leading supplier of agricultural and
energy products to the wider rural community. From their own livestock feed
manufacturing and storage facility, deliveries are made to farmers, small
holders and homeowners whilst their 11 Country Stores stock everything from
animal feeds to wellington boots.
BATA's Fuel and LPG service offer a full range of
energy products from fuel oil, LPG, bottled gas, industrial gases, lubricants
and heating services. The company can serve domestic, industrial or
agricultural needs whether they are small or large. With their reliable team of
long-standing drivers and fleet of tankers BATA deliver to their local
customers and supply LPG and fuel oil across North Yorkshire and East
The Project
Over many years the BATA
Group has grown as a financially sound and well managed business enabling the
society to invest in property, systems and equipment in order to serve the
needs of a growing farming membership.
the business has continued to grow and become more diversified, they were
looking to introduce a technology-based solution that would replace the
ever-increasing amount of paperwork. Efficient and effective operations are
fundamental to delivering a first-class service, so the company needed to
significantly reduce or completely eradicate paperwork which was both
time-consuming and prone to human error. There were key project drivers identified
by BATA, specifically the enhancement of processes, improved control and
visibility, and most importantly compliance to all relevant legislation and
applicable industry standards associated with bulk fuel handling. Any
new technology introduced to their operation needed to re-organise and improve
existing processes and enable the drivers and back office to communicate more
Touchstar solutions are specifically
designed for the fuel distribution industry and BATA are confident FuelStar will
streamline and improve their end-to-end delivery processes. To date the
key requirements have been identified as:
- Real time transmission of ePOD’s, to enable same /
next day invoicing.
- Control driver workflow to a standardised level, for
improvements to efficiencies, safety and service.
- Automated, electronic start of day vehicle checks.
- Reducing manual administrative tasks like re-keying
- In-cab Sat Nav, with truck attributes
Following system implementation, BATA customers will
benefit from the following system attributes: -
- POD’s can be printed and left with
customer at time of delivery.
- POD’s can be emailed immediately after
delivery is complete.
- Increased accuracy and compliance to
delivery windows (with notifications of arrival). Thus, managing expectations
- Improved efficiencies, accurate and timely
deliveries, with potential for fewer mistakes and greater visibility.
Gordon Hyland, Sales
Director for Touchstar’s Fuel Division commented: “Our solutions are long
proven with multiple commercial, domestic and retail fuel suppliers across the
UK and beyond. It is our intention to supply BATA a solution that creates the
minimum of change for operational workflow, whilst offering additional
functionalities that we expect will create new and additional value to
strategic and day to day operations.”